283 lines
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283 lines
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--===== CLASSES ================================================================================--
---A Minecraft particle identifier.
---Only the default Minecraft particles are auto-completed.
---You can use any particle from any mod, even if it does not auto-complete.
---Note: Modded particles that require an `extra` will not work and will instead error.
---@alias ParticleID
---| "minecraft:ambient_entity_effect"
---| "minecraft:angry_villager"
---| "minecraft:ash"
---| "minecraft:barrier"
---| "minecraft:block"
---| "minecraft:bubble"
---| "minecraft:bubble_column_up"
---| "minecraft:bubble_pop"
---| "minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke"
---| "minecraft:campfire_signal_smoke"
---| "minecraft:cloud"
---| "minecraft:composter"
---| "minecraft:crimson_spore"
---| "minecraft:crit"
---| "minecraft:current_down"
---| "minecraft:damage_indicator"
---| "minecraft:dolphin"
---| "minecraft:dragon_breath"
---| "minecraft:dripping_dripstone_lava"
---| "minecraft:dripping_dripstone_water"
---| "minecraft:dripping_honey"
---| "minecraft:dripping_lava"
---| "minecraft:dripping_obsidian_tear"
---| "minecraft:dripping_water"
---| "minecraft:dust"
---| "minecraft:dust_color_transition"
---| "minecraft:effect"
---| "minecraft:elder_guardian"
---| "minecraft:electric_spark"
---| "minecraft:enchant"
---| "minecraft:enchanted_hit"
---| "minecraft:end_rod"
---| "minecraft:entity_effect"
---| "minecraft:explosion"
---| "minecraft:explosion_emitter"
---| "minecraft:falling_dripstone_lava"
---| "minecraft:falling_dripstone_water"
---| "minecraft:falling_dust"
---| "minecraft:falling_honey"
---| "minecraft:falling_lava"
---| "minecraft:falling_nectar"
---| "minecraft:falling_obsidian_tear"
---| "minecraft:falling_spore_blossom"
---| "minecraft:falling_water"
---| "minecraft:firework"
---| "minecraft:fishing"
---| "minecraft:flame"
---| "minecraft:flash"
---| "minecraft:glow"
---| "minecraft:glow_squid_ink"
---| "minecraft:happy_villager"
---| "minecraft:heart"
---| "minecraft:instant_effect"
---| "minecraft:item"
---| "minecraft:item_slime"
---| "minecraft:item_snowball"
---| "minecraft:landing_honey"
---| "minecraft:landing_lava"
---| "minecraft:landing_obsidian_tear"
---| "minecraft:large_smoke"
---| "minecraft:lava"
---| "minecraft:light"
---| "minecraft:mycelium"
---| "minecraft:nautilus"
---| "minecraft:note"
---| "minecraft:poof"
---| "minecraft:portal"
---| "minecraft:rain"
---| "minecraft:reverse_portal"
---| "minecraft:scrape"
---| "minecraft:smoke"
---| "minecraft:sneeze"
---| "minecraft:snowflake"
---| "minecraft:soul"
---| "minecraft:soul_fire_flame"
---| "minecraft:spit"
---| "minecraft:spore_blossom_air"
---| "minecraft:splash"
---| "minecraft:squid_ink"
---| "minecraft:sweep_attack"
---| "minecraft:totem_of_undying"
---| "minecraft:underwater"
---| "minecraft:vibration"
---| "minecraft:warped_spore"
---| "minecraft:wax_off"
---| "minecraft:wax_on"
---| "minecraft:white_ash"
---| "minecraft:witch"
--===== FUNCTIONS ==============================================================================--
---Contains a single `function` for creating a particle.
particle = {}
---Adds a particle to the world.
---Only the default Minecraft particles are auto-completed.
---You can use modded particles as long as they only take a position and velocity to function.
---Certain particles change how the parameters of this function work.
---If a particle is not on this list, assume it functions normally:
---> **minecraft:ambient_entity_effect** / **minecraft:entity_effect**
---> The last three values of `pos_vel` set the velocity *and* color of the particle.
---> Velocity is converted into a direction.
---> Any horizontal velocity is applied in all horizontal directions randomly.
---> Each color is a number `0..1` or `1..255`. If the color is above 1, then the color is
---`(255 - num) / 255` If the color is above 255, set color to `(-num % 255) / 255` then calculate
---as if color was above 1.
---> (2 -> 253, 255 -> 0).
---> It is possible to mix different ranges of colors. A color of `1,0,1` is the same as `1,255,1`
---but the second color will move up instead of spreading out because of the high Y velocity.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:angry_villager** / **minecraft:heart**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and always moves up about half a block.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:ash**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and always falls in a random direction.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:barrier** / **minecraft:flash** / **minecraft:underwater**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and never moves.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:block** / **minecraft:falling_dust**
---> The `extra` is a `string` set to the blockstate string of the selected block.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:bubble** / **minecraft:bubble_column_up** / **minecraft:current_down**
---> Dies after 1 tick if out of water at any point
---> ***
---> **minecraft:composter** / **minecraft:dolphin** / **minecraft:happy_villager** /
---> Velocity is capped at a very slow speed per axis.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:crimson_spore** / **minecraft:item_slime** / **minecraft:item_snowball** /
---**minecraft:lava** / **minecraft:rain** / **minecraft:warped_spore**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and flies in a random direction, preferring any upward
---> ***
---> **minecraft:dripping_honey** / **minecraft:dripping_lava** /
---**minecraft:dripping_obsidian_tear** / **minecraft:dripping_water** /
---**minecraft:dripping_dripstone_lava** / **minecraft:dripping_dripstone_water**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and always sticks for a while before falling until hitting
---something solid.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:dust**
---> Velocity is capped at a very slow speed per axis.
---> The `extra` is a `Vector4` set to the color and size of the particle.
---> `x`, `y`, and `z` are numbers `0..1` for red, green, and blue respectively.
---> `w` is a number `0..10` for the size of the particle.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:dust_color_transition**
---> The last three values of `pos_vel` set the end color of the particle.
---> Each color is a number `0..1`.
---> The `extra` is a `Vector4` set to the start color and transition speed of the particle.
---> `x`, `y`, and `z` are numbers `0..1` for red, green, and blue respectively.
---> `w` is a number `1..` for the amount of ticks it takes to transition from the start color to
---the end color.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:elder_guardian**
---> Ignores position and velocity, always circles the viewer's camera from top to bottom.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:enchant** / **minecraft:nautilus**
---> The first three values of `pos_vel` set the end position of the particle.
---> The end postion Y is always decreased by ~1.125.
---> The last three values of `pos_vel` set the start position offset of the particle.
---> The offset is *not* moved by the decrease of the end position Y.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:explosion** / **minecraft:sweep_attack**
---> Velocity is completely ignored.
---> The `w` of `pos_vel` is a number that sets the size of the particle.
---> 0 is the default size of the particle, negative numbers increase the size, postitive numbers
---> decrease it. If the number is >2, the explosion particle will be inverted and will increase in
---> size as the number gets bigger.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:explosion_emitter**
---> Velocity is completely ignored.
---> Spawns many "minecraft:explosion" particles around it.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:falling_honey** / **minecraft:falling_lava** / **minecraft:falling_nectar** /
---**minecraft:falling_obsidian_tear** / **minecraft:falling_water** / **minecraft:landing_honey** /
---**minecraft:landing_lava** / **minecraft:landing_obsidian_tear** /
---**minecraft:falling_dripstone_lava** / **minecraft:falling_dripstone_water**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and falls until hitting something solid.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:instant_effect** / **minecraft:witch**
---> Velocity is converted into a direction.
---> Any horizontal velocity is applied in all horizontal directions randomly.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:item**
---> The `extra` is a `string` set to the item and NBT string of the selected item.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:note**
---> The `w` of `pos_vel` is a number `0..1` that sets the hue of the note, starting at lime and
---shifting backwards.
---> Velocity is completely ignored and the note always moves up about half a block.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:portal**
---> The first three values of `pos_vel` set the end position of the particle.
---> The last three values of `pos_vel` set the start position offset of the particle.
---> The offset Y is always increased by 1.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:vibration** *1.17 only!*
---> The last three values of `pos_vel` set the end position of the particle.
---> The `extra` is a `Vector4` set to the start position and speed of the particle.
---> `w` is a number `1..` for the amount of ticks it takes to reach the end positon.
---> ***
---> **minecraft:white_ash**
---> Velocity is completely ignored and flies in a random direction, preferring any negative
---> These particles are placed here since some 1.17 particle have yet to be tested.
---> *If you have information on exactly how these particles work, let me know.*
---> minecraft:falling_spore_blossom (Possibly acts like a slower minecraft:falling_honey?)
---> minecraft:glow (Possibly acts like minecraft:barrier?)
---> minecraft:light (Possibly acts like minecraft:composter?)
---> minecraft:scrape (Possibly acts like minecraft:composter?)
---> minecraft:snowflake
---> minecraft:spore_blossom_air
---> minecraft:wax_off (Possibly acts like minecraft:composter?)
---> minecraft:wax_on (Possibly acts like minecraft:composter?)
---@param name ParticleID
---@param pos_vel Vector6
---@param extra1? Vector3 | Vector4 | string
---@param extra2? Vector3 | Vector4
function particle.addParticle(name, pos_vel, extra1, extra2) end