# kotRemote Wrapper for sshfs, built in Kotlin, and utilizes [Jexer](https://git.ouroboros.group/limepotato/jexer) ## Installation Instructions ### Linux 1. install `openssh-askpass`(Or any graphical ssh/askpass program) & `sshfs` 2. Make sure you have JRE-19/21 3. ~~[Download Latest Release](https://git.ouroboros.group/limepotato/kotRemote/releases)~~ 4. ~~Extract and run .jar~~ ### Windows 1. install [sshfs-win](https://github.com/winfsp/sshfs-win) 2. Make sure you have JRE-19/21 3. ~~[Download Latest Release](https://git.ouroboros.group/limepotato/kotRemote/releases)~~ 4. ~~Extract and run .jar~~ ### Build from Source 1. Clone the repository `git clone https://git.ouroboros.group/limepotato/kotRemote.git` 2. Enter directory cloned `cd kotRemote` 3. Open terminal and run `./gradlew shadow jar` 4. Find the built jar under `build/libs/kotRemote{version}-all.jar` ### CMDLine Options `java -jar -Djexer.Swing=false` to disable graphical interface, and force XTERM, Please note that, in XTERM or ECMA48 mode, the login process may break the graphical interface. ## LICENSE This project falls under [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) see [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md)