2017-03-30 10:11:38 -06:00
# Contribution guide
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
:v: Thanks for your contributions :v:
2017-03-26 06:32:19 -06:00
2020-07-25 09:16:00 -06:00
## When you contribute...
2020-07-25 10:58:44 -06:00
- 任意のIssueについて、せっかく実装してくださっても、実装方法や設計の認識が揃ってないとマージできない/しないことになりかねないので、初めにそのIssue上で着手することを宣言し、必要に応じて他メンバーと実装方法や設計のすり合わせを行ってください。宣言することは作業が他の人と被るのを防止する効果もあります。
- 設計に迷った時はプロジェクトリーダーの判断を仰いでください。
2020-07-25 09:16:00 -06:00
- 時間や優先度の都合上、提出してくださったPRが長期間放置されることもありますがご理解ください。
2020-07-25 10:58:44 -06:00
- 温度感高めで見てほしいものは責付いてください。
2020-07-25 09:16:00 -06:00
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
## Issues
2021-03-23 21:23:05 -06:00
Feature suggestions and bug reports are filed in https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/issues .
2019-05-25 10:06:36 -06:00
* Please search existing issues to avoid duplication. If your issue is already filed, please add your reaction or comment to the existing one.
* If you have multiple independent issues, please submit them separately.
2019-07-21 23:57:23 -06:00
## Branches
* **master** branch is tracking the latest release and used for production purposes.
* **develop** branch is where we work for the next release.
* **l10n_develop** branch is reserved for localization management.
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
## Localization (l10n)
2019-05-24 04:31:40 -06:00
Misskey uses [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/misskey) for localization management.
You can improve our translations with your Crowdin account.
2019-07-21 23:57:23 -06:00
Your changes in Crowdin are automatically submitted as a PR (with the title "New Crowdin translations") to the repository.
The owner [@syuilo](https://github.com/syuilo) merges the PR into the develop branch before the next release.
2019-05-24 04:31:40 -06:00
2019-07-21 23:57:23 -06:00
If your language is not listed in Crowdin, please open an issue.
2017-03-26 06:32:19 -06:00
2018-09-01 03:15:25 -06:00
2017-03-26 06:32:19 -06:00
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
## Documentation
2019-05-25 21:48:37 -06:00
* Documents for instance admins are located in [`/docs`](/docs).
* Documents for end users are located in [`/src/docs`](/src/docs).
2017-03-26 06:32:19 -06:00
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
## Test
2019-05-25 21:48:37 -06:00
* Test codes are located in [`/test`](/test).
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
2021-08-18 20:26:26 -06:00
### Run specify test
npx cross-env TS_NODE_FILES=true TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true TS_NODE_PROJECT="./test/tsconfig.json" npx mocha test/foo.ts --require ts-node/register
2018-09-01 03:02:04 -06:00
## Continuous integration
2021-06-10 21:19:48 -06:00
Misskey uses GitHub Actions for executing automated tests.
Configuration files are located in [`/.github/workflows`](/.github/workflows).
2018-12-19 11:01:02 -07:00
2019-08-17 23:41:33 -06:00
## Adding MisskeyRoom items
2019-08-20 01:16:27 -06:00
* Use English for material, object and texture names.
* Use meter for unit of length.
* Your PR should include all source files (e.g. `.png`, `.blend`) of your models (for later editing).
* Your PR must include the glTF binary files (`.glb`) of your models.
* Add a locale key `room.furnitures.YOUR_ITEM` at [`/locales/ja-JP.yml`](/locales/ja-JP.yml).
2021-04-28 20:18:08 -06:00
* Add a furniture definition at [`src/client/scripts/room/furnitures.json5`](src/client/scripts/room/furnitures.json5).
2019-08-17 23:41:33 -06:00
2019-08-18 08:40:52 -06:00
If you have no experience on 3D modeling, we suggest to use the free 3DCG software [Blender](https://www.blender.org/).
2019-08-17 23:41:33 -06:00
You can find information on glTF 2.0 at [glTF 2.0 — Blender Manual]( https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/addons/io_scene_gltf2.html).
2019-07-13 19:05:19 -06:00
## FAQ
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
### How to resolve conflictions occurred at yarn.lock?
2019-07-15 06:32:09 -06:00
Just execute `yarn` to fix it.
2019-07-13 19:05:19 -06:00
2018-12-19 11:01:02 -07:00
## Glossary
### AP
2018-12-19 11:02:19 -07:00
Stands for _**A**ctivity**P**ub_.
2018-12-19 11:01:02 -07:00
### MFM
2018-12-19 11:02:19 -07:00
Stands for _**M**isskey **F**lavored **M**arkdown_.
2018-12-19 11:01:02 -07:00
### Mk
2018-12-19 11:02:19 -07:00
Stands for _**M**iss**k**ey_.
2018-12-19 11:44:19 -07:00
### SW
Stands for _**S**ervice**W**orker_.
2019-01-24 03:52:00 -07:00
### Nyaize
2019-02-26 02:00:47 -07:00
Convert な(na) to にゃ(nya)
2019-01-24 03:52:00 -07:00
#### Denyaize
2019-02-26 02:00:47 -07:00
Revert Nyaize
2019-02-06 22:54:14 -07:00
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
## TypeScript Coding Style
### Do not omit semicolons
This is to avoid Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) hazard.
2019-04-17 01:59:39 -06:00
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
* https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/#sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion
* https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/1062
### Do not omit curly brackets
2019-04-17 01:59:39 -06:00
``` ts
if (foo)
``` ts
if (foo) {
} else {
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
As a special case, you can omit the curly brackets if
* the body of the `if`-statement have only one statement and,
* the `if`-statement does not have `else`-clause.
2019-04-17 01:59:39 -06:00
``` ts
if (foo) bar;
2019-07-21 23:57:23 -06:00
Make sure that the condition and the body statement are on the same line.
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
### Do not use `==` when it can simply be replaced with `===`.
2019-07-13 13:02:24 -06:00
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
### Use only boolean (or null related) values in the condition of an `if`-statement.
2019-07-13 13:02:24 -06:00
``` ts
if (foo.length)
``` ts
if (foo.length > 0)
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
### Do not use `export default`
This is because the current language support does not work well with `export default`.
2019-04-17 01:59:39 -06:00
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
2019-04-17 01:59:39 -06:00
* https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/docs/tips/defaultIsBad.html
2019-07-15 05:47:09 -06:00
* https://gfx.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/11/24/135343
2019-03-15 11:53:35 -06:00
2019-02-06 22:54:14 -07:00
``` ts
export default function(foo: string): string {
``` ts
export function something(foo: string): string {
2019-02-07 12:08:25 -07:00
## Directory structure
2019-02-26 02:00:47 -07:00
src ... Source code
@types ... Type definitions
prelude ... Independence utils for coding JavaScript without side effects
misc ... Independence utils for Misskey without side effects
service ... Common functions with side effects
queue ... Job queues and Jobs
server ... Web Server
client ... Client
2019-02-07 12:08:25 -07:00
mfm ... MFM
2019-02-26 02:00:47 -07:00
test ... Test code
2019-02-07 12:08:25 -07:00
2019-04-07 06:50:36 -06:00
## Notes
### placeholder
``` ts
query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
for (const type of ps.fileType) {
qb.orWhere(`:type = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { type: type });
query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
for (const type of ps.fileType) {
const i = ps.fileType.indexOf(type);
qb.orWhere(`:type${i} = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { [`type${i}`]: type });
2019-05-20 06:44:16 -06:00
### Not `null` in TypeORM
const foo = await Foos.findOne({
bar: Not(null)
const foo = await Foos.findOne({
bar: Not(IsNull())
2019-04-07 06:50:36 -06:00
### `null` in SQL
``` ts
query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId });
という処理で、`ps.folderId`が`null`だと結果的に`file.folderId = null`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない
``` ts
if (ps.folderId) {
query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId });
} else {
query.where('file.folderId IS NULL');
### `[]` in SQL
``` ts
const users = await Users.find({
id: In(userIds)
という処理で、`userIds`が`[]`だと結果的に`user.id IN ()`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない
``` ts
const users = userIds.length > 0 ? await Users.find({
id: In(userIds)
}) : [];
2019-04-12 23:04:29 -06:00
### 配列のインデックス in SQL
`[a, b, c]`の `a`にアクセスしたいなら`[0]`ではなく`[1]`と書く
2019-04-07 06:50:36 -06:00
### `undefined`にご用心
MongoDBの時とは違い、findOneでレコードを取得する時に対象レコードが存在しない場合 **`undefined`** が返ってくるので注意。
MongoDBは`null`で返してきてたので、その感覚で`if (x === null)`とか書くとバグる。代わりに`if (x == null)`と書いてください
2019-04-12 23:31:05 -06:00
2019-05-13 11:57:04 -06:00
### Migration作成方法
2019-07-06 14:26:04 -06:00
npx ts-node ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:generate -n 変更の名前
2019-05-13 11:57:04 -06:00
2019-09-08 06:21:08 -06:00
2021-07-25 20:12:06 -06:00
### コネクションには`markRaw`せよ
**Vueのコンポーネントのdataオプションとして**misskey.jsのコネクションを設定するとき、必ず`markRaw`でラップしてください。インスタンスが不必要にリアクティブ化されることで、misskey.js内の処理で不具合が発生するとともに、パフォーマンス上の問題にも繋がる。なお、Composition APIを使う場合はこの限りではない(リアクティブ化はマニュアルなため)。
2021-08-20 06:34:56 -06:00
### JSONのimportに気を付けよう
2019-09-08 06:21:08 -06:00
## その他
### HTMLのクラス名で follow という単語は使わない