Run `npx typeorm migration:revert -d ormconfig.js` for every migration until you see that `uniformThemecolor1652859567549` has been reverted. Command will not terminate properly after reverting, so you'll have to Ctrl-C
Go to `packages/backend`, revert migrations manually using `pnpm run revertmigration:typeorm` for every migration, until `FirefishRepo1689957674000` has been reverted. Command will not terminate properly after reverting, so you'll have to Ctrl-C.
If you are migrating from versions newer than 1.0.3, you'll also have to run `pnpm run revertmigration:cargo` for every migration, until `m20230806_170616_fix_antenna_stream_ids` has been reverted.
Build and run migrations using your preferred method.
### Troubleshooting
If migration `IncreaseHostCharLimit1692374635734` failed to revert, please run `DELETE FROM "migrations" WHERE "name" = 'IncreaseHostCharLimit1692374635734';`
You ***cannot*** migrate back to Misskey from Iceshrimp due to re-hashing passwords on signin with argon2, however theoretically you should be able to migrate from Iceshrimp to Firefish. You can migrate from Iceshrimp to FoundKey, although this is not recommended due to FoundKey being end-of-life, and may have some problems with alt-text.