2022-01-07 06:45:15 -06:00

60 lines
1.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Jexer Help File</name>
<author>Autumn Lamonte</author>
<date>Jan 1, 2020</date>
<topic title="Help">
This [window](Windows) does not have a specific help topic.
See [here](Help On Help) for general information on using the
help system.
<topic title="Help On Help">
The #{help} system...
<topic title="Menus">
#{Menus} do ...
<topic title="Windows">
#{Windows} do ...
<topic title="Editing Text">
The #{text editing} [window](Windows)...
<topic title="Editing Tables">
<topic title="Terminal Window">
The terminal window ...
<topic title="Copyright Infomation">
Copyright (C) 2022 Autumn Lamonte
Available to all under the MIT License.