cached images stubs

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Lamonte 2019-09-07 07:08:16 -05:00
parent 8af51daba2
commit 40e3b4869b

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@ -198,6 +198,17 @@ The following items are out of scope:
terminal reports and responses. These are not intended to be used
as a general-purpose capabilities model.
* Terminal Cache Management. This standard defines a means for
applications and terminals to communicate around cached multimedia
items, but terminals are free to implement whatever cache management
strategies they deem fit.
* Reliable Transport. This standard defines a two-way
command/response protocol that may get out of order on unreliable
channels such as 3-wire RS232. Applictions that require reliable
transport on unreliable links may choose to use one of the many
successful standards available for this purpose.
@ -257,7 +268,6 @@ Layer - A screen-sized grid of Cells that have the same Z coordinate.
All Features - Detection
@ -295,6 +305,36 @@ supports is listed below, with these new feature responses included:
Direct Multimedia - Summary
Non-text data (multimedia) can be sent to the terminal for immediate
display in a rectangular (single-layer) region of text Cells.
Multimedia data is transmitted to the terminal using one of two wire
formats described later in this document.
Setting a Cell to multimedia is a destructive operation: the Cell's
original text is lost. Multimedia pixels will not overlap rendered
text in the same Cell. To achieve pixels overlaid on text, the layers
feature can be used.
Setting any part of a multi-Cell Tile to multimedia also "breaks up"
the Tile into a range of single Cells. In other words, multimedia can
only be carried by a Cell, not a Tile.
The pixels of a multimedia Cell are assigned to the Cell's foreground;
multimedia Cells have no background. If a terminal supports the
layers feature, setting a multimedia Cell's foreground transparency to
true/enabled causes that Cell to not be displayed at all; setting its
background transparency to either true/enabled or false/disabled has
no visible effect.
The pixels of multimedia Cells can come from two sources:
1. The application can generate pixels and send them to the terminal
for display at the current cursor position.
2. The application can specify a source for the multimedia and the
terminal will generate the pixels for display at the current
cursor position.
Direct Multimedia - Required Support For Existing Sequences
@ -313,20 +353,212 @@ defined xterm sequences:
Direct Multimedia - New Sequences
A terminal with direct multimedia feature must support the following
new sequences:
| Sequence | Command | Description |
| OSC 1 3 3 8 ; s i x e l : {data} BEL | SIXEL | Display sixel at (x, y) |
| OSC 1 3 3 8 ; s i x e l : {data} ST | SIXEL | Display sixel at (x, y) |
| OSC 1 3 3 8 ; F i l e = {data} BEL | DMDISPLAY | Display media at (x, y) |
| OSC 1 3 3 8 ; F i l e = {data} ST | DMDISPLAY | Display media at (x, y) |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 1 h | DECSET 3001 | Enable DMDISPLAY responses |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 1 l | DECRST 3001 | Disable DMDISPLAY responses |
| OSC 1 3 3 9 ; Pe ; {data} ST | DMRESP | Terminal response to DMDISPLAY |
Direct Multimedia - Error Handling
For the SIXEL command:
* The {data} is a sixel sequence as described in the VT330/340
Programmer Reference Manual, Chapter 14, available online at: . The {data} is the
"P1 ; P2 ; P3 ; q s..s" portion of the Device Control String, i.e. a
complete sixel sequence minus the leading DCS and trailing ST.
* The sixel image is processed as shown below. Note that this
behavior is equivalent to Sixel Scrolling mode enabled.
- The sixel active position starts at the upper-left corner of the
text cursor position.
- The screen is scrolled up if the image overflows into the bottom
text row.
- Pixels that would be drawn to the right of the visible region on
screen are discarded.
- The cursor's final position is on the same column as the starting
cursor position, and on the row immediately below the image.
For the DMDISPLAY command:
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')), followed by a colon (':'), followed by a base-64
encoded string.
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
* Any alpha-numeric key may be specified. A key that is not supported
by the terminal is ignored without error.
* The multimedia pixels are processed as shown below.
- The pixel are drawn starting at the upper-left corner of the text
cursor position.
- If scrolling is specified as enabled, then:
a. The screen is scrolled up if the image overflows into the
bottom text row.
b. The cursor's final position is on the same column as the
starting cursor position, and on the row immediately below the
- If scrolling is omitted or specified as disabled, then:
a. The screen is never scrolled.
b. Pixels that would be drawn below the visible region on screen
are discarded.
c. The cursor's final position is at the same column and row as
the starting cursor position, i.e. the cursor does not move at
- Pixels that would be drawn to the right of the visible region on
screen are discarded.
Direct Multimedia - Cursor Position
The keys for the key-value pairs that must be supported by the
terminal are listed below:
| Key | Default Value | Description |
| width | 1 | Number of Cells or pixels wide to display in |
| height | 1 | Number of Cells or pixels high to display in |
| scale | "none" | Scale/zoom option, see below |
| align | "nw" | Align image to edge option, see below |
| type | "image/rgb" | mime-type describing data field |
| url | "" | If set, a location containing the media data |
A terminal may support additional keys. If a key is specified but not
supported by the terminal, then it is ignored without error.
Direct Multimedia - Wire Format
The "width" and "height" values can take the following forms:
| Value | Meaning |
| N (a positive integer) | Number of Cells |
| Npx (positive integer + "px") | Number of pixels |
| N% (positive integer + "%") | Percent of screen width or height |
| "auto" | Number of pixels as defined by the multimedia data |
The "scale" value can take the following values:
| Value | Meaning |
| "none" | No scaling along either axis. |
| "scale" | Stretch image, preserving aspect ratio, to maximum size in the target area without cropping |
| "stretch" | Stretch along both axes, distorting aspect ratio, to fill the target area |
| "crop" | Stretch along both axes, preserving aspect ration, to completely fill the target area, cropping pixels that will not fit |
The "align" value can take the following values:
| Value | Meaning |
| "nw" | Media is placed at the top-left corner (northwest) |
| "n" | Media is placed on the top and centered horizontally (north) |
| "ne" | Media is placed at the top-right corner (northest) |
| "w" | Media is placed on the left and centered vertically (west) |
| "c" | Media is centered in the target area (center) |
| "e" | Media is placed on the right and centered vertically (east) |
| "sw" | Media is placed on the bottom-left corner (southwest) |
| "s" | Media is placed on the bottom and centered horizontally (south) |
| "se" | Media is placed on the bottom-right corner (southeast) |
The "type" value is a mime-type string describing the format of the
base64-encoded binary data. The terminal must support at mimunum these
| Type String | Description |
| "image/rgb" | Big-endian-encoded 24-bit red, green, blue values |
| "image/rgba" | Big-endian-encoded 32-bit red, green, blue, alpha values |
| "image/png" | PNG file data as described by (reference to PNG format) |
A terminal may support additional types. An application can detect
terminal support for a format by: enabling terminal responses (DECSET
3001), sending a DMDISPLAY command, and examining the terminal's
response sequence for success or error.
The "url" value is a
Direct Multimedia - Terminal Responses / Error Handling
If DMDISPLAY reponses are enabled, then a terminal will respond to the
DMDISPLAY display with DMRESP. DMRESP responses must be sent in the
same sequential order as the DMDISPLAY commands they are responses to:
the terminal may not re-order responses.
No provision is made for reliable delivery. On unreliable links
(example: 3-wire RS232), the DMDISPLAY and DMRESP command/response
sequence may get out of order.
The format of DMRESP is:
* Pe - a non-negative integer error code.
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')).
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
The Pe error codes are defined as:
| Value | Meaning | {data} containts |
| 0 | No error occurred, i.e. success | nothing |
| 1 | Unsupported "type" | "type" value that was incorrect |
| 2 | Invalid value - no media displayed | "key" that was incorrect |
| 3 | Unsupported key - media displayed | "key" that unsupported |
| 4 | Insufficient memory | nothing |
| 5 | Other error - no media displayed | nothing |
| 6 | Other - media displayed | nothing |
| 7 | Conflicting keys - no media displayed | nothing |
Additional Pe error codes may be returned; any Pe value except 0, 3,
and 6 must mean that the media was not displayed, and the cursor was
not moved.
If both "type" and "url" are set, no media is diaplyed, the cursor is
not moved, and the DMRESP error code is 7.
@ -338,13 +570,50 @@ Direct Multimedia - Examples
Cached Multimedia - Summary
Non-text data (multimedia) can be sent to the terminal for later
display in a rectangular (single-layer) region of text Cells.
Multimedia data is transmitted to the terminal using the CMCACHE
command described below, and displayed on screen using the CMDISPLAY
command. A single CMCACHE command can support many CMDISPLAY
Upon display, setting a Cell to multimedia is a destructive operation:
the Cell's original text is lost. Multimedia pixels will not overlap
rendered text in the same Cell. To achieve pixels overlaid on text,
the layers feature can be used.
Setting any part of a multi-Cell Tile to multimedia also "breaks up"
the Tile into a range of single Cells. In other words, multimedia can
only be carried by a Cell, not a Tile.
The pixels of a multimedia Cell are assigned to the Cell's foreground;
multimedia Cells have no background. If a terminal supports the
layers feature, setting a multimedia Cell's foreground transparency to
true/enabled causes that Cell to not be displayed at all; setting its
background transparency to either true/enabled or false/disabled has
no visible effect.
The pixels of multimedia Cells can come from two sources:
1. The application can generate pixels and send them to the terminal
for display at the current cursor position.
2. The application can specify a source for the multimedia and the
terminal will generate the pixels for display at the current
cursor position.
Pixel data that has scrolled off the displayed screen and into the
scrollback buffer is required to be persistent even if the cache entry
containing that image data has been evicted by the terminal or removed
by the application.
Cached Multimedia - Cache/Memory Management
Cached Multimedia - Scrollback
@ -364,25 +633,239 @@ defined xterm sequences:
Cached Multimedia - New Sequences
A terminal with cached multimedia feature must support the following new
| Sequence | Command | Description |
| OSC 1 3 4 0 ; F i l e = {data} BEL | CMCACHE | Display media at (x, y) |
| OSC 1 3 4 1 ; Pi ; {data} ST | CMDISPLAY | Display media at (x, y) |
| OSC 1 3 4 2 ; Pi ; Pe ; {data} ST | CMCRESP | Terminal response to CMCACHE |
| OSC 1 3 4 3 ; Pi ; Pe ; {data} ST | CMDRESP | Terminal response to CMDISPLAY |
Cached Multimedia - CMCACHE
For the CMCACHE command:
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')).
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
The keys for the key-value pairs that must be supported by the
terminal are listed below:
| Key | Default Value | Description |
| type | "image/rgb" | mime-type describing data field |
| url | "" | If set, a location containing the media data |
The "type" value is a mime-type string describing the format of the
base64-encoded binary data. The terminal must support at mimunum these
| Type String | Description |
| "image/rgb" | Big-endian-encoded 24-bit red, green, blue values |
| "image/rgba" | Big-endian-encoded 32-bit red, green, blue, alpha values |
| "image/png" | PNG file data as described by (reference to PNG format) |
A terminal may support additional types. An application can detect
terminal support for a format by: sending a CMCACHE command, and
examining the terminal's CMCRESP sequence for success or error.
Cached Multimedia - CMDISPLAY
For the CMDISPLAY command:
* Pi - a non-negative integer media ID that was returned by a CMCRESP
response to a previous CMCACHE command.
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')), followed by a colon (':'), followed by a base-64
encoded string.
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
* Any alpha-numeric key may be specified. A key that is not supported
by the terminal is ignored without error.
* The multimedia pixels are processed as shown below.
- The pixel are drawn starting at the upper-left corner of the text
cursor position.
- The screen is never scrolled.
- The cursor's final position is at the same column and row as the
starting cursor position, i.e. the cursor does not move at all.
- Pixels that would be drawn below the visible region on screen are
- Pixels that would be drawn to the right of the visible region on
screen are discarded.
The keys for the key-value pairs that must be supported by the
terminal are listed below:
| Key | Default Value | Description |
| width | 1 | number of Cells or pixels wide to display in |
| height | 1 | number of Cells or pixels high to display in |
| scale | "none" | scale/zoom option, see below |
| align | "nw" | align image to edge option, see below |
A terminal may support additional keys. If a key is specified but not
supported by the terminal, then it is ignored without error.
The "width" and "height" values can take the following forms:
| Value | Meaning |
| N (a positive integer) | Number of Cells |
| Npx (positive integer + "px") | Number of pixels |
| N% (positive integer + "%") | Percent of screen width or height |
| "auto" | Number of pixels as defined by the multimedia data |
The "scale" value can take the following values:
| Value | Meaning |
| "none" | No scaling along either axis. |
| "scale" | Stretch image, preserving aspect ratio, to maximum size in the target area without cropping |
| "stretch" | Stretch along both axes, distorting aspect ratio, to fill the target area |
| "crop" | Stretch along both axes, preserving aspect ration, to completely fill the target area, cropping pixels that will not fit |
The "align" value can take the following values:
| Value | Meaning |
| "nw" | Media is placed at the top-left corner (northwest) |
| "n" | Media is placed on the top and centered horizontally (north) |
| "ne" | Media is placed at the top-right corner (northest) |
| "w" | Media is placed on the left and centered vertically (west) |
| "c" | Media is centered in the target area (center) |
| "e" | Media is placed on the right and centered vertically (east) |
| "sw" | Media is placed on the bottom-left corner (southwest) |
| "s" | Media is placed on the bottom and centered horizontally (south) |
| "se" | Media is placed on the bottom-right corner (southeast) |
Cached Multimedia - Error Handling
A terminal will always respond to the CMCACHE command with CMCRESP,
and to the CMDISPLAY command with CMDRESP. Responses must be sent in
the same sequential order as the CMCACHE/CMDISPLAY commands they are
responses to: the terminal may not re-order responses.
Cached Multimedia - Cursor Position
No provision is made for reliable delivery. On unreliable links
(example: 3-wire RS232), the command/response sequence may get out of
Cached Multimedia - Scrollback
Cached Multimedia - Error Handling - CMCRESP
The format of CMCRESP is:
* Pi - a non-negative integer media ID. The terminal will generate a
new ID for every image successfully loaded into the cache. The
application must use this ID for CMDISPLAY commands.
* Pe - a non-negative integer error code.
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')).
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
The Pe error codes are defined as:
| Value | Meaning | {data} containts |
| 0 | No error occurred, i.e. success | nothing |
| 1 | Unsupported "type" | "type" value that was incorrect |
| 2 | Invalid value - no media stored | "key" that was incorrect |
| 3 | Unsupported key - media stored | "key" that unsupported |
| 4 | Insufficient memory - no media stored | nothing |
| 5 | Other error - no media stored | nothing |
| 6 | Other - media stored | nothing |
| 7 | Conflicting keys - no media stored | nothing |
Additional Pe error codes may be returned; any Pe value except 0, 3,
and 6 must mean that the media was not stored in the cache.
If both "type" and "url" are set, no media is diaplyed, the cursor is
not moved, and the CMCRESP error code is 7.
Cached Multimedia - Wire Format
Cached Multimedia - Error Handling - CMDRESP
The format of CMDRESP is:
* Pi - a non-negative integer media ID.
* Pe - a non-negative integer error code.
* The {data} is a set of key-value pairs (each pair separated by
semicolon (';')).
* A key can be any alpha-numeric ASCII string ('0' - '9', 'A' - 'Z',
'a' - 'z').
* A value is any printable ASCII string not containing whitespace,
colon, or semicolon ('!' - '9', '<' - '~').
The Pe error codes are defined as:
| Value | Meaning | {data} containts |
| 0 | No error occurred, i.e. success | nothing |
| 2 | Invalid value - no media displayed | "key" that was incorrect |
| 3 | Unsupported key - media displayed | "key" that unsupported |
| 4 | Insufficient memory - no media displayed | nothing |
| 5 | Other error - no media displayed | nothing |
| 6 | Other - media displayed | nothing |
Additional Pe error codes may be returned; any Pe value except 0, 3,
and 6 must mean that the media was not displayed.
@ -411,12 +894,13 @@ An application treats the Z coordinate exactly as it does X and Y
* If it attempts to set Z to a value greater than the number of
layers, then Z is set to the number of layers.
New sequences are provided to set and query Z, Y, X, to set and query
the screen cube size, and control visibility of Cells in-front-of
New sequences are provided to set and query Z, Y, X; to set and query
the screen cube size; and control visibility of Cells in-front-of
other Cells.
Operations that act on more than one Cell are defined such to act on
all layers simultaneously by default.
Operations that can act on more than one Cell are defined such to act
on all layers simultaneously by default; most of these operations can
also be set to act only on the current layer.
@ -474,9 +958,9 @@ sequences:
| Sequence | Command | Description |
| CSI ? z ; y ; x H | CUPZ | Move cursor to (x, y, z) |
| CSI ? z ; y ; x H | SLA | Set layer alpha |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 1 h | DECSET 3001 | Enable Manupulate Single Layer (MSL) |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 1 l | DECRST 3001 | Disable Manupulate Single Layer (MSL) |
| CSI 2 2 5 ; 1 ; Pa t | SLA | Set layer alpha |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 2 h | DECSET 3002 | Enable Manupulate Single Layer (MSL) |
| CSI ? 3 0 0 2 l | DECRST 3002 | Disable Manupulate Single Layer (MSL) |
| CSI ? l ; h ; w t | RSZCUBE | Resize cube to (layers, height, width) |
Default parameters and ranges are listed below:
@ -488,8 +972,8 @@ Default parameters and ranges are listed below:
| CUPZ | 3 / x | 1 | 1 | # columns |
| SLA | 1 / alpha | 255 | 0 | 255 |
| RSZCUBE | 1 / l | 1 | 1 | varies |
| RSZCUBE | 2 / h | 80 | 1 | varies |
| RSZCUBE | 3 / w | 24 | 1 | varies |
| RSZCUBE | 2 / h | 24 | 1 | varies |
| RSZCUBE | 3 / w | 80 | 1 | varies |
The terminal must also support the following new queries:
@ -498,17 +982,15 @@ The terminal must also support the following new queries:
| CSI ? 1 0 0 n | CSI ? z ; y ; x n | Report cursor Z, Y, X position |
| CSI ? 1 8 t | CSI ? 8 ; l ; h ; w t | Report the text area cube layers, height, width |
The terminal must support the following new Set Graphics Rendition
(SGR) character attributes commands:
| SGR Parameter | Description |
| 230 | Set text foreground color to transparent |
| 239 | Set text foreground color to solid (opaque) |
| 240 | Set text background color to transparent |
| 249 | Set text background color to solid (opaque) |
| 2 3 0 | Set text foreground color to transparent |
| 2 3 9 | Set text foreground color to solid (opaque) |
| 2 4 0 | Set text background color to transparent |
| 2 4 9 | Set text background color to solid (opaque) |
@ -602,6 +1084,8 @@ then the sequences must behave as shown below:
| CSI $ x | DECFRA | Only current layer affected if MSL=on |
| CSI $ z | DECERA | Only current layer affected if MSL=on |
(( TODO: add many more to the above table... ))
The VT52 sub-mode commands:
| Sequence | Command | Additional behavior |