David Runge e264b44682
Add license and basic documentation
Add GPL-3.0 license.

Add SPDX license identifier.

Add SPDX license identifier.
Install the `` script as global executable `run_archiso`.
Use -D and -t flags to install to install files more generically (without a previous call to install the directory).

Add README outlining the project's scope, how to build images from the profiles and how to test.

Add list of all direct contributors to the repository.

Add basic contribution guidelines, explaining the linter and the license in use.

Closes #7
Closes #3
2020-07-29 14:27:48 +02:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

Archiso Authors
* Aaron Griffin <>
* Adam Purkrt <>
* Chandan Singh <>
* Charles Vejnar <>
* Christian Hesse <>
* Christopher Brannon <>
* Dan McGee <>
* David Runge <>
* David Thurstenson <>
* Dieter Plaetinck <>
* Eli Schwartz <>
* Florian Pritz <>
* Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <>
* Gerhard Brauer <>
* James Sitegen <>
* Justin Kromlinger <>
* Keshav Amburay <>
* Loui Chang <>
* Lukas Fleischer <>
* Martin Damian Fernandez <>
* Pierre Schmitz <>
* Sean Enck <>
* Simo Leone <>
* Steffen Bönigk <>
* Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
* Thomas Bächler <>
* Yu Li-Yu <>
* nl6720 <>
* Øyvind Heggstad <>