[archiso] mkarchiso: use arch-install-scripts instead of own functions

Signed-off-by: Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386@yahoo.com.ar>
This commit is contained in:
Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi 2013-09-21 18:11:43 -03:00
parent 4d25ed614a
commit 997dabbce2
2 changed files with 9 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -47,42 +47,15 @@ _show_space_usage () {
_msg_info "Total: ${_total} MiB (100%) | Used: ${_used} MiB (${_pct_u}) | Avail: ${_avail} MiB ($((100 - ${_pct_u%\%}))%)"
_chroot_mount () {
mount -t devtmpfs dev "${work_dir}/root-image/dev"
mount -t devpts devpts "${work_dir}/root-image/dev/pts"
mount -t tmpfs devshm "${work_dir}/root-image/dev/shm"
mount -t proc proc "${work_dir}/root-image/proc"
mount -t tmpfs run "${work_dir}/root-image/run"
mount -t sysfs sys "${work_dir}/root-image/sys"
mount -t tmpfs tmp "${work_dir}/root-image/tmp"
trap '_chroot_umount' EXIT HUP INT TERM
_chroot_umount () {
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/tmp"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/sys"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/run"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/proc"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/dev/shm"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/dev/pts"
umount "${work_dir}/root-image/dev"
_chroot_init() {
if [[ ! -d ${work_dir}/root-image/var/cache/pacman ]]; then
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/{dev,proc,run,sys,tmp,var/lib/pacman}
_pacman "base"
_pacman "syslinux"
if [[ ! -d ${work_dir}/root-image ]]; then
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image
_pacman "base syslinux"
_chroot_run() {
eval chroot ${work_dir}/root-image "${run_cmd}"
eval arch-chroot ${work_dir}/root-image "${run_cmd}"
# Mount a filesystem (trap signals in case of error for unmounting it
@ -218,16 +191,12 @@ _pacman ()
_msg_info "Installing packages to '${work_dir}/root-image/'..."
if [[ "${quiet}" = "y" ]]; then
pacman -Sy -r "${work_dir}/root-image" --config "${pacman_conf}" --needed --noconfirm $* &> /dev/null
pacstrap -C "${pacman_conf}" -c -d -G -M "${work_dir}/root-image" $* &> /dev/null
pacman -Sy -r "${work_dir}/root-image" --config "${pacman_conf}" --needed --noconfirm $*
pacstrap -C "${pacman_conf}" -c -d -G -M "${work_dir}/root-image" $*
_msg_info "Packages installed successfully!"

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ INDEX
*** Build requirements
** For mkarchiso script needs these packages (build host):
+ arch-install-scripts for pacstrap/arch-chroot
+ squashfs-tools for mksquashfs
+ libisoburn for xorriso
+ btrfs-progs for mkfs.btrfs (optional)
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ module of SYSLINUX. ISOLINUX can not find config files on
*** Building the most basic Arch Linux live media. (configs/baseline)
* Install needed packages.
# pacman -S git make squashfs-tools libisoburn rsync --needed
# pacman -S git make arch-install-scripts squashfs-tools libisoburn rsync --needed
* Install archiso.
# git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/archiso.git
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ used to build official images with much more things.
*** Building official Arch Linux live media. (configs/releng)
* Install needed packages.
# pacman -S git make squashfs-tools libisoburn dosfstools lynx --needed
# pacman -S git make arch-install-scripts squashfs-tools libisoburn dosfstools lynx --needed
* Install archiso.
# git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/archiso.git