# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarningsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers import ExUnit.CaptureLog alias Pleroma.Config alias Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarnings describe "filter exiftool" do test "gives warning when still used" do clear_config( [Pleroma.Upload, :filters], [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool] ) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_exiftool_filter() end) =~ """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using Exiftool as a filter instead of Exiftool.StripLocation. This should work for now, but you are advised to change to the new configuration to prevent possible issues later: ``` config :pleroma, Pleroma.Upload, filters: [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool] ``` Is now ``` config :pleroma, Pleroma.Upload, filters: [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.StripLocation] ``` """ end test "changes setting to exiftool strip location" do clear_config( [Pleroma.Upload, :filters], [Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool, Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.ReadDescription] ) expected_config = [ Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.StripLocation, Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.ReadDescription ] capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.warn() end) assert Config.get([Pleroma.Upload]) |> Keyword.get(:filters, []) == expected_config end test "doesn't give a warning with correct config" do clear_config( [Pleroma.Upload, :filters], [ Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.StripLocation, Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.ReadDescription ] ) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_exiftool_filter() end) == "" end end describe "simple policy tuples" do test "gives warning when there are still strings" do clear_config([:mrf_simple], media_removal: ["some.removal"], media_nsfw: ["some.nsfw"], federated_timeline_removal: ["some.tl.removal"], report_removal: ["some.report.removal"], reject: ["some.reject"], followers_only: ["some.followers.only"], accept: ["some.accept"], avatar_removal: ["some.avatar.removal"], banner_removal: ["some.banner.removal"], reject_deletes: ["some.reject.deletes"] ) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_simple_policy_tuples() end) =~ """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using strings in the SimplePolicy configuration instead of tuples. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to the new configuration to prevent possible issues later: ``` config :pleroma, :mrf_simple, media_removal: ["instance.tld"], media_nsfw: ["instance.tld"], federated_timeline_removal: ["instance.tld"], report_removal: ["instance.tld"], reject: ["instance.tld"], followers_only: ["instance.tld"], accept: ["instance.tld"], avatar_removal: ["instance.tld"], banner_removal: ["instance.tld"], reject_deletes: ["instance.tld"] ``` Is now ``` config :pleroma, :mrf_simple, media_removal: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for media removal"}], media_nsfw: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for media nsfw"}], federated_timeline_removal: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for federated timeline removal"}], report_removal: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for report removal"}], reject: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for reject"}], followers_only: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for followers only"}], accept: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for accept"}], avatar_removal: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for avatar removal"}], banner_removal: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for banner removal"}], reject_deletes: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for reject deletes"}] ``` """ end test "transforms config to tuples" do clear_config([:mrf_simple], media_removal: ["some.removal", {"some.other.instance", "Some reason"}] ) expected_config = [ {:media_removal, [{"some.removal", ""}, {"some.other.instance", "Some reason"}]} ] capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.warn() end) assert Config.get([:mrf_simple]) == expected_config end test "doesn't give a warning with correct config" do clear_config([:mrf_simple], media_removal: [{"some.removal", ""}, {"some.other.instance", "Some reason"}] ) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_simple_policy_tuples() end) == "" end end describe "quarantined_instances tuples" do test "gives warning when there are still strings" do clear_config([:instance, :quarantined_instances], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, "somedomain.tld" ]) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_quarantined_instances_tuples() end) =~ """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using strings in the quarantined_instances configuration instead of tuples. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to the new configuration to prevent possible issues later: ``` config :pleroma, :instance, quarantined_instances: ["instance.tld"] ``` Is now ``` config :pleroma, :instance, quarantined_instances: [{"instance.tld", "Reason for quarantine"}] ``` """ end test "transforms config to tuples" do clear_config([:instance, :quarantined_instances], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, "some.tld" ]) expected_config = [{"domain.com", "some reason"}, {"some.tld", ""}] capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.warn() end) assert Config.get([:instance, :quarantined_instances]) == expected_config end test "doesn't give a warning with correct config" do clear_config([:instance, :quarantined_instances], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, {"some.tld", ""} ]) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_quarantined_instances_tuples() end) == "" end end describe "transparency_exclusions tuples" do test "gives warning when there are still strings" do clear_config([:mrf, :transparency_exclusions], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, "somedomain.tld" ]) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_transparency_exclusions_tuples() end) =~ """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using strings in the transparency_exclusions configuration instead of tuples. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to the new configuration to prevent possible issues later: ``` config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency_exclusions: ["instance.tld"] ``` Is now ``` config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency_exclusions: [{"instance.tld", "Reason to exlude transparency"}] ``` """ end test "transforms config to tuples" do clear_config([:mrf, :transparency_exclusions], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, "some.tld" ]) expected_config = [{"domain.com", "some reason"}, {"some.tld", ""}] capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.warn() end) assert Config.get([:mrf, :transparency_exclusions]) == expected_config end test "doesn't give a warning with correct config" do clear_config([:mrf, :transparency_exclusions], [ {"domain.com", "some reason"}, {"some.tld", ""} ]) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_transparency_exclusions_tuples() end) == "" end end test "check_old_mrf_config/0" do clear_config([:instance, :rewrite_policy], []) clear_config([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true) clear_config([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], []) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_old_mrf_config() end) =~ """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using old namespaces for MRF configuration. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to new namespaces to prevent possible issues later: * `config :pleroma, :instance, rewrite_policy` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, policies` * `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency` * `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency_exclusions` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency_exclusions` """ end test "move_namespace_and_warn/2" do old_group1 = [:group, :key] old_group2 = [:group, :key2] old_group3 = [:group, :key3] new_group1 = [:another_group, :key4] new_group2 = [:another_group, :key5] new_group3 = [:another_group, :key6] clear_config(old_group1, 1) clear_config(old_group2, 2) clear_config(old_group3, 3) clear_config(new_group1) clear_config(new_group2) clear_config(new_group3) config_map = [ {old_group1, new_group1, "\n error :key"}, {old_group2, new_group2, "\n error :key2"}, {old_group3, new_group3, "\n error :key3"} ] assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.move_namespace_and_warn( config_map, "Warning preface" ) end) =~ "Warning preface\n error :key\n error :key2\n error :key3" assert Config.get(new_group1) == 1 assert Config.get(new_group2) == 2 assert Config.get(new_group3) == 3 end test "check_media_proxy_whitelist_config/0" do clear_config([:media_proxy, :whitelist], ["https://example.com", "example2.com"]) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_media_proxy_whitelist_config() end) =~ "Your config is using old format (only domain) for MediaProxy whitelist option" end test "check_welcome_message_config/0" do clear_config([:instance, :welcome_user_nickname], "LainChan") assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_welcome_message_config() end) =~ "Your config is using the old namespace for Welcome messages configuration." end test "check_hellthread_threshold/0" do clear_config([:mrf_hellthread, :threshold], 16) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_hellthread_threshold() end) =~ "You are using the old configuration mechanism for the hellthread filter." end test "check_activity_expiration_config/0" do clear_config([Pleroma.ActivityExpiration], enabled: true) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_activity_expiration_config() end) =~ "Your config is using old namespace for activity expiration configuration." end test "check_uploders_s3_public_endpoint/0" do clear_config([Pleroma.Uploaders.S3], public_endpoint: "https://fake.amazonaws.com/bucket/") assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploders_s3_public_endpoint() end) =~ "Your config is using the old setting for controlling the URL of media uploaded to your S3 bucket." end test "check_http_adapter/0" do Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, Gun) assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_http_adapter() end) =~ "Your config is using a custom tesla adapter" Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Mock) end describe "check_uploader_base_url_set/0" do test "should error if the base_url is not set" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], nil) # we need to capture the error assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_set() end) =~ "Your config does not specify a base_url for uploads!" end end test "should not error if the base_url is set" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], "https://example.com") refute capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_set() end) =~ "Your config does not specify a base_url for uploads!" end test "should not error if local uploader is not used" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], nil) clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader], Pleroma.Uploaders.S3) refute capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_set() end) =~ "Your config does not specify a base_url for uploads!" end end describe "check_uploader_base_url_is_not_base_domain/0" do test "should error if the akkoma domain is the same as the upload domain" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], "http://localhost") assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_is_not_base_domain() end) =~ "Your Akkoma Host and your Upload base_url's host are the same!" end test "should not error if the local uploader is not used" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], "http://localhost") clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader], Pleroma.Uploaders.S3) refute capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_is_not_base_domain() end) =~ "Your Akkoma Host and your Upload base_url's host are the same!" end test "should not error if the akkoma domain is different from the upload domain" do clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], "https://media.localhost") clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader], Pleroma.Uploaders.Local) refute capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_uploader_base_url_is_not_base_domain() end) =~ "Your Akkoma Host and your Upload base_url's host are the same!" clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url]) end end end