Update few examples. Re-add kCamera2D and kCamera3D with fixed allocator parameters

This commit is contained in:
Kenta 2023-09-15 19:29:36 +01:00
parent 1702d61296
commit 2419732ff6
10 changed files with 480 additions and 301 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ plugins {
group = "com.prism-architect"
version = "1.0.3"
version = "1.0.4"
// Codeberg repository properties providers
val tokenProvider: Provider<String> = providers.gradleProperty("KaylibKitToken")

View file

@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import kaylibkit.kShapes.drawRectangle
import kaylibkit.kShapes.drawRectangleLines
import kaylibkit.kShapes.kRectangle
import kaylibkit.kText.drawText
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kCamera2D
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kColor
import kaylibkit.kUtils.fade
import kaylibc.*
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kCamera2D
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
@ -23,100 +24,132 @@ const val MAX_BUILDINGS = 100
// Program main entry point
fun main() {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 2d camera")
memScoped {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 2d camera")
val player = kRectangle(400F, 280F, 40F, 40F)
val buildings = Array(MAX_BUILDINGS) { kRectangle() }
val buildColor = Array(MAX_BUILDINGS) {
kColor(Random.nextInt(200..240).toUByte(), Random.nextInt(200..240).toUByte(), Random.nextInt(200..250).toUByte(), 255U)
var spacing = 0
buildings.forEach { building ->
building.width = Random.nextInt(50..200).toFloat()
building.height = Random.nextInt(100..800).toFloat()
building.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 130F - building.height
building.x = -6000F + spacing
spacing += building.width.toInt()
val camera = kCamera2D(kVector2(SCREEN_WIDTH/2F, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2F), kVector2(player.x + 20F, player.y + 20F), 0F, 1F)
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// Player movement
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.RIGHT)) { player.x += 2 }
else if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.LEFT)) { player.x -= 2 }
// Camera target follows player
// We're unable to modify .target directly due to how cinterop works with K/N as cinterop will translate any nested CStruct as a immutable (val)
// if they're not pointing to anything (pointer to), but we can easily modify it by passing immutable CStruct value:
camera.target.set(kVector2(player.x + 20F, player.y + 20F))
// We can also do it a different way by simply modifying the CStruct members
// Camera rotation controls
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.A)) { camera.rotation-- }
else if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S)) { camera.rotation++ }
// Limit camera rotation to 80 degrees (-40 to 40)
if (camera.rotation > 40) { camera.rotation = 40F }
else if (camera.rotation < -40) { camera.rotation = -40F }
// Camera zoom controls
camera.zoom += getMouseWheelMove() * .05F
if (camera.zoom > 3F) { camera.zoom = 3F }
else if (camera.zoom < .1F) { camera.zoom = .1F }
// Camera reset (zoom and rotation)
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.R)) {
camera.zoom = 1F
camera.rotation = 0F
val player = kRectangle(400F, 280F, 40F, 40F, allocator = this)
val buildings = Array(MAX_BUILDINGS) { kRectangle(allocator = this) }
val buildColor = Array(MAX_BUILDINGS) {
allocator = this)
var spacing = 0
drawing {
// Draw
buildings.forEach { building ->
building.width = Random.nextInt(50..200).toFloat()
building.height = Random.nextInt(100..800).toFloat()
building.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 130F - building.height
building.x = -6000F + spacing
spacing += building.width.toInt()
val camera = kCamera2D(kVector2(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2F, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2F, allocator = this), kVector2(player.x + 20F, player.y + 20F, allocator = this), 0F, 1F, allocator = this)
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
mode2D(camera) {
drawRectangle(-6000, 320, 13000, 8000, darkGray)
buildings.forEachIndexed { index, rect -> drawRectangle(rect, buildColor[index]) }
drawRectangle(player, red)
drawLine(camera.target.x.toInt(), -SCREEN_HEIGHT*10, camera.target.x.toInt(), SCREEN_HEIGHT*10, green)
drawLine(-SCREEN_WIDTH*10, camera.target.y.toInt(), SCREEN_WIDTH*10, camera.target.y.toInt(), green)
// Player movement
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.RIGHT)) {
player.x += 2
} else if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.LEFT)) {
player.x -= 2
drawText("SCREEN AREA", 640, 10, 20, red)
drawRectangle(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 5, red)
drawRectangle(0, 5, 5, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, red)
drawRectangle(SCREEN_WIDTH - 5, 5, 5, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, red)
drawRectangle(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 5, SCREEN_WIDTH, 5, red)
// Camera target follows player
// We're unable to modify .target directly due to how cinterop works with K/N as cinterop will translate any nested CStruct as a immutable (val)
// if they're not pointing to anything (pointer to), but we can easily modify it by passing immutable CStruct value:
camera.target.set(kVector2(player.x + 20F, player.y + 20F, this))
drawRectangle(10, 10, 250, 113, fade(skyBlue, 0.5F))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 250, 113, blue)
// We can also do it a different way by simply modifying the CStruct members
drawText("Free 2D camera controls:", 20, 20, 10, black)
drawText("- Right/Left to move Offset", 40, 40, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- Mouse Wheel to Zoom in-out", 40, 60, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- A / S to Rotate", 40, 80, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- R to reset Zoom and Rotation", 40, 100, 10, darkGreen)
// Camera rotation controls
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.A)) {
} else if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S)) {
// Limit camera rotation to 80 degrees (-40 to 40)
if (camera.rotation > 40) {
camera.rotation = 40F
} else if (camera.rotation < -40) {
camera.rotation = -40F
// Camera zoom controls
camera.zoom += getMouseWheelMove() * .05F
if (camera.zoom > 3F) {
camera.zoom = 3F
} else if (camera.zoom < .1F) {
camera.zoom = .1F
// Camera reset (zoom and rotation)
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.R)) {
camera.zoom = 1F
camera.rotation = 0F
drawing {
// Draw
mode2D(camera) {
drawRectangle(-6000, 320, 13000, 8000, darkGray)
buildings.forEachIndexed { index, rect -> drawRectangle(rect, buildColor[index]) }
drawRectangle(player, red)
drawText("SCREEN AREA", 640, 10, 20, red)
drawRectangle(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 5, red)
drawRectangle(0, 5, 5, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, red)
drawRectangle(SCREEN_WIDTH - 5, 5, 5, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, red)
drawRectangle(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 5, SCREEN_WIDTH, 5, red)
drawRectangle(10, 10, 250, 113, fade(skyBlue, 0.5F, allocator = this))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 250, 113, blue)
drawText("Free 2D camera controls:", 20, 20, 10, black)
drawText("- Right/Left to move Offset", 40, 40, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- Mouse Wheel to Zoom in-out", 40, 60, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- A / S to Rotate", 40, 80, 10, darkGreen)
drawText("- R to reset Zoom and Rotation", 40, 100, 10, darkGreen)
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import kaylibkit.kText.drawFPS
import kaylibkit.kText.drawText
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kCamera3D
import kaylibc.*
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
const val SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
@ -17,39 +18,49 @@ const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
// Program main entry point
fun main() {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera mode")
memScoped {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera mode")
val camera = kCamera3D(kVector3(0F, 10F, 10F), kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F), kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F), 45F, CameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE)
val cubePosition = kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F)
val camera = kCamera3D(
kVector3(0F, 10F, 10F, allocator = this),
kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F, allocator = this),
kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F, allocator = this),
allocator = this
val cubePosition = kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F, allocator = this)
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// TODO: Update your variables here
drawing {
// Draw
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// TODO: Update your variables here
mode3D(camera) {
drawCube(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, red)
drawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, maroon)
drawing {
// Draw
drawGrid(10, 1F)
mode3D(camera) {
drawCube(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, red)
drawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, maroon)
drawGrid(10, 1F)
drawText("Welcome to the third dimension!", 10, 40, 20, darkGray)
drawFPS(10, 10)
drawText("Welcome to the third dimension!", 10, 40, 20, darkGray)
drawFPS(10, 10)
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
import kaylibkit.kCamera.setCameraMode
import kaylibkit.kCamera.updateCamera
import kaylibkit.kCore.*
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraMode
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraProjection
import kaylibkit.kEnums.ConfigFlag
import kaylibkit.kMath.kVector2
@ -12,10 +10,16 @@ import kaylibkit.kModels.drawPlane
import kaylibkit.kShapes.drawRectangle
import kaylibkit.kShapes.drawRectangleLines
import kaylibkit.kText.drawText
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraProjection.*
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kCamera3D
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kColor
import kaylibkit.kUtils.fade
import kaylibc.*
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraMode.*
import kaylibkit.kCamera.cameraPitch
import kaylibkit.kCamera.cameraYaw
import kaylibkit.kEnums.KeyboardKey
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
@ -27,62 +31,168 @@ const val MAX_COLUMNS = 20
// Program main entry point
fun main() {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera first person")
memScoped {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera first person")
val camera = kCamera3D(kVector3(4F, 2F, 4F), kVector3(0F, 1.8F, 0F), kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F), 60F, CameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE)
val camera = kCamera3D(
kVector3(4F, 2F, 4F, allocator = this),
kVector3(0F, 1.8F, 0F, allocator = this),
kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F, allocator = this),
allocator = this
val heights = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) {
val position = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) { i ->
kVector3(Random.nextInt(-15..15).toFloat(), heights[i]/2F, Random.nextInt(-15..15).toFloat())
val colors = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) {
kColor(Random.nextInt(20..255).toUByte(), Random.nextInt(10..55).toUByte(), 30U, 255U)
var cameraMode = FIRST_PERSON
setCameraMode(camera, CameraMode.FIRST_PERSON)
val heights = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) { Random.nextInt(1..12).toFloat() }
val position = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) { i ->
heights[i] / 2F,
allocator = this
val colors = Array(MAX_COLUMNS) {
allocator = this
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
drawing {
// Draw
// Update
mode3D(camera) {
drawPlane(kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F), kVector2(32F, 32F), lightGray) // Draw ground
drawCube(kVector3(-16F, 2.5F, 0F), 1F, 5F, 32F, blue) // Draw a blue wall
drawCube(kVector3(16F, 2.5F, 0F), 1F, 5F, 32F, blue) // Draw a green wall
drawCube(kVector3(0F, 2.5F, 16F), 32F, 5F, 1F, blue) // Draw a yellow wall
// Draw some cubes around
heights.indices.forEach { i ->
drawCube(position[i], 2F, heights[i], 2F, colors[i])
drawCubeWires(position[i], 2F, heights[i], 2F, maroon)
// Switch camera mode
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.NUMBER1)) {
cameraMode = FREE
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
drawRectangle(10, 10, 220, 70, fade(skyBlue, .5F))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 220, 70, blue)
drawText("First person camera default controls:", 20, 20, 10, black);
drawText("- Move with keys: W, A, S, D", 40, 40, 10, darkGray);
drawText("- Mouse move to look around", 40, 60, 10, darkGray);
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.NUMBER2)) {
cameraMode = FIRST_PERSON
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.NUMBER3)) {
cameraMode = THIRD_PERSON
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.NUMBER4)) {
cameraMode = ORBITAL
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
// Switch camera projection
if (isKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.P)) {
// Create isometric view
cameraMode = THIRD_PERSON
// Note: The target distance is related to the render distance in the orthographic projection
camera.position.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 2F
this.z = -100F
camera.target.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 2F
this.z = 0F
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
camera.projection = ORTHOGRAPHIC.value
camera.fovy = 20F // near plane width in CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC
cameraYaw(camera, -135 * DEG2RAD, true)
cameraPitch(camera, -45 * DEG2RAD, true, true, false)
} else if (camera.projection == ORTHOGRAPHIC.value) {
cameraMode = THIRD_PERSON
camera.position.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 2F
this.z = 10F
camera.target.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 2F
this.z = 0F
camera.up.apply {
this.x = 0F
this.y = 1F
this.z = 0F
camera.projection = PERSPECTIVE.value
camera.fovy = 60F
// Update camera computes movement internally depending on the camera mode
// Some default standard keyboard/mouse inputs are hardcoded to simplify use
// For advance camera controls, it's reecommended to compute camera movement manually
updateCamera(camera, cameraMode) // Update camera
drawing {
// Draw
mode3D(camera) {
drawPlane(kVector3(0F, 0F, 0F, allocator = this), kVector2(32F, 32F, allocator = this), lightGray) // Draw ground
drawCube(kVector3(-16F, 2.5F, 0F, allocator = this), 1F, 5F, 32F, blue) // Draw a blue wall
drawCube(kVector3(16F, 2.5F, 0F, allocator = this), 1F, 5F, 32F, blue) // Draw a green wall
drawCube(kVector3(0F, 2.5F, 16F, allocator = this), 32F, 5F, 1F, blue) // Draw a yellow wall
// Draw some cubes around
heights.indices.forEach { i ->
drawCube(position[i], 2F, heights[i], 2F, colors[i])
drawCubeWires(position[i], 2F, heights[i], 2F, maroon)
drawRectangle(10, 10, 220, 70, fade(skyBlue, .5F, allocator = this))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 220, 70, blue)
drawText("First person camera default controls:", 20, 20, 10, black);
drawText("- Move with keys: W, A, S, D", 40, 40, 10, darkGray);
drawText("- Mouse move to look around", 40, 60, 10, darkGray);
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import kaylibkit.kCamera.setCameraMode
import kaylibkit.kCamera.updateCamera
import kaylibkit.kCore.*
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraMode
@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ import kaylibkit.kText.drawText
import kaylibkit.kTypes.kCamera3D
import kaylibkit.kUtils.fade
import kaylibc.*
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
const val SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
@ -24,50 +24,60 @@ const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
// Program main entry point
fun main() {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera free")
memScoped {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [core] example - 3d camera free")
val camera = kCamera3D(kVector3(10F, 10F, 10F), kVector3(), kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F), 45F, CameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE)
val cubePosition = kVector3()
val camera = kCamera3D(
kVector3(10F, 10F, 10F, allocator = this),
kVector3(allocator = this),
kVector3(0F, 1F, 0F, allocator = this),
allocator = this
val cubePosition = kVector3(allocator = this)
setCameraMode(camera, CameraMode.FREE)
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Z)) { camera.target.setZero() }
drawing {
// Draw
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
mode3D(camera) {
drawCube(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, red)
drawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, maroon)
drawGrid(10, 1F)
updateCamera(camera, CameraMode.FREE)
if (isKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Z)) {
drawRectangle(10, 10, 320, 133, fade(skyBlue, .5F))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 320, 133, blue)
drawText("Free camera default controls:", 20, 20, 10, black)
drawText("- Mouse Wheel to Zoom in-out", 40, 40, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Mouse Wheel Pressed to Pan", 40, 60, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Alt + Mouse Wheel Pressed to Rotate", 40, 80, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Alt + Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Pressed for Smooth Zoom", 40, 100, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Z to zoom to (0, 0, 0)", 40, 120, 10, darkGray)
drawing {
// Draw
mode3D(camera) {
drawCube(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, red)
drawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2F, 2F, 2F, maroon)
drawGrid(10, 1F)
drawRectangle(10, 10, 320, 133, fade(skyBlue, .5F, allocator = this))
drawRectangleLines(10, 10, 320, 133, blue)
drawText("Free camera default controls:", 20, 20, 10, black)
drawText("- W & S Key to Zoom in and Zoom out", 40, 40, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- A & S to move around", 40, 60, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Q & E to rotate", 40, 80, 10, darkGray)
drawText("- Z to zoom to (0, 0, 0)", 40, 120, 10, darkGray)
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
// De-Initialization
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import kaylibkit.kTextures.drawTexture
import kaylibkit.kTextures.loadTexture
import kaylibkit.kTextures.unloadTexture
import kaylibc.*
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
const val SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
@ -13,36 +14,42 @@ const val SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450
// Program main entry point
fun main() {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [textures] example - texture loading and drawing")
memScoped {
setConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.VSYNC_HINT) // Turn VSYNC On
initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib [textures] example - texture loading and drawing")
// NOTE: Textures MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
val texture = loadTexture("resources/raylib_logo.png") // Texture loading
// NOTE: Textures MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
val texture = loadTexture("resources/raylib_logo.png", allocator = this) // Texture loading
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// TODO: Update your variables here
drawing {
// Draw
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose) { // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
drawTexture(texture, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - texture.width/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 - texture.height/2, white)
drawText("this IS a texture!", 360, 370, 10, gray)
// TODO: Update your variables here
drawing {
// Draw
SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - texture.width / 2,
SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - texture.height / 2,
drawText("this IS a texture!", 360, 370, 10, gray)
// De-Initialization
unloadTexture(texture) // Texture unloading
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
// De-Initialization
unloadTexture(texture) // Texture unloading
closeWindow() // Close window and OpenGL context

View file

@ -15,10 +15,14 @@ import kotlin.math.*
* @return [Vector2]
inline fun kVector2(x: Float = 0F, y: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope): Vector2 {
return allocator.alloc<Vector2> {
this.x = x
this.y = y
inline fun kVector2(x: Float = 0F, y: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope?): Vector2 {
if (allocator != null) {
return allocator.alloc<Vector2> {
this.x = x
this.y = y
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ERROR: No allocator passed to the parameter! Unable to allocate!")

View file

@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ import kotlin.math.*
* @return [Vector3]
inline fun kVector3(x: Float = 0F, y: Float = 0F, z: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope): Vector3 {
return allocator.alloc<Vector3> {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
inline fun kVector3(x: Float = 0F, y: Float = 0F, z: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope?): Vector3 {
if (allocator != null) {
return allocator.alloc<Vector3> {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ERROR: No allocator passed to the parameter! Unable to allocate!")

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package kaylibkit.kShapes
import kaylibkit.kMath.kVector2
import kaylibc.Rectangle
import kotlinx.cinterop.AutofreeScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.MemScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.alloc
import kaylibc.Vector2
import kotlinx.cinterop.ExperimentalForeignApi

View file

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package kaylibkit.kTypes
import kaylibkit.kMath.kVector2
import kaylibkit.kMath.kVector3
import kaylibkit.kMath.set
import kaylibkit.kShapes.set
import kaylibkit.kImage.set
import kaylibkit.kTextures.set
import kaylibc.*
import kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraProjection
import kaylibkit.kMath.kVector3
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
// -- Module: kTypes
@ -118,34 +119,34 @@ inline fun kFont(baseSize: Int, glyphCount: Int, glyphPadding: Int, texture: Tex
// * Constructor function for [Camera3D].
// * @return [Camera3D]
// */
//inline fun kCamera3D(position: Vector3 = kVector3(), target: Vector3 = kVector3(), up: Vector3 = kVector3(), fovy: Float = 0F, projection: kaylibkit.kEnums.CameraProjection, allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : Camera3D {
// return allocator.alloc<Camera3D> {
// this.position.set(position)
// this.target.set(target)
// this.up.set(up)
// this.fovy = fovy
// this.projection = projection.value
// }
* Constructor function for [Camera3D].
* @return [Camera3D]
inline fun kCamera3D(position: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), target: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), up: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), fovy: Float = 0F, projection: CameraProjection, allocator: AutofreeScope) : Camera3D {
return allocator.alloc<Camera3D> {
this.fovy = fovy
this.projection = projection.value
// * Constructor function for [Camera2D].
// * @return [Camera2D]
// */
//inline fun kCamera2D(offset: Vector2 = kVector2(), target: Vector2 = kVector2(), rotation: Float = 0F, zoom: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : Camera2D {
// return allocator.alloc<Camera2D> {
// this.offset.set(offset)
// this.target.set(target)
// this.rotation = rotation
// this.zoom = zoom
// }
* Constructor function for [Camera2D].
* @return [Camera2D]
inline fun kCamera2D(offset: Vector2 = kVector2(allocator = null), target: Vector2 = kVector2(allocator = null), rotation: Float = 0F, zoom: Float = 0F, allocator: AutofreeScope) : Camera2D {
return allocator.alloc<Camera2D> {
this.rotation = rotation
this.zoom = zoom
* Constructor function for [Mesh].
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ inline fun kModel(transform: Matrix, meshCount: Int, materialCount: Int, meshes:
* @return [ModelAnimation]
inline fun kModelAnimation(boneCount: Int, frameCount: Int, bones: BoneInfo, framePoses: CPointer<CPointerVar<Transform>>, allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : ModelAnimation {
inline fun kModelAnimation(boneCount: Int, frameCount: Int, bones: BoneInfo, framePoses: CPointer<CPointerVar<Transform>>, allocator: AutofreeScope) : ModelAnimation {
return allocator.alloc<ModelAnimation> {
this.boneCount = boneCount
this.frameCount = frameCount
@ -296,45 +297,45 @@ inline fun kModelAnimation(boneCount: Int, frameCount: Int, bones: BoneInfo, fra
// * Constructor function for [Ray].
// * @return [Ray]
// */
//inline fun kRay(position: Vector3 = kVector3(), direction: Vector3 = kVector3(), allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : Ray {
// return allocator.alloc<Ray> {
// this.position.set(position)
// this.direction.set(direction)
// }
* Constructor function for [Ray].
* @return [Ray]
inline fun kRay(position: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), direction: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), allocator: AutofreeScope) : Ray {
return allocator.alloc<Ray> {
// * Constructor function for [RayCollision].
// * Important to note that this uses `MemScope()` by default.
// * @return [RayCollision]
// */
//inline fun kRayCollision(hit: Boolean = false, distance: Float = 0F, point: Vector3 = kVector3(), normal: Vector3 = kVector3(), allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : RayCollision {
// return allocator.alloc<RayCollision> {
// this.hit = hit
// this.distance = distance
// this.point.set(point)
// this.normal.set(normal)
// }
* Constructor function for [RayCollision].
* Important to note that this uses `MemScope()` by default.
* @return [RayCollision]
inline fun kRayCollision(hit: Boolean = false, distance: Float = 0F, point: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), normal: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), allocator: AutofreeScope) : RayCollision {
return allocator.alloc<RayCollision> {
this.hit = hit
this.distance = distance
// * Constructor function for [BoundingBox].
// * Important to note that this uses `MemScope()` by default.
// * @return [BoundingBox]
// */
//inline fun kBoundingBox(min: Vector3 = kVector3(), max: Vector3 = kVector3(), allocator: AutofreeScope = MemScope()) : BoundingBox {
// return allocator.alloc<BoundingBox> {
// this.min.set(min)
// this.max.set(max)
// }
* Constructor function for [BoundingBox].
* Important to note that this uses `MemScope()` by default.
* @return [BoundingBox]
inline fun kBoundingBox(min: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), max: Vector3 = kVector3(allocator = null), allocator: AutofreeScope) : BoundingBox {
return allocator.alloc<BoundingBox> {
* Constructor function for [Wave].